Sunday, February 24, 2008

Coloring and using spoons!!

Happy Sunday! We've had an eventful few days. I got Zachary a new set of crayons, colored pencils, and coloring book. He loves them! Thank goodness they are washable! Zachary just can't get enough of them. He wants to carry them with him at all times. He is very good at scribbling. That's about it, but it's a start!

We also started letting Zack use a spoon to feed himself. Albeit, he's well versed at using a fork all by himself, we have just started with the spoon. I got him some yogurt and thought we would give it a try. He actually did very well with it! Of course there was yogurt all over, but that would've probably happened regardless!

David finished the garage and it looks amazing! David did such an awesome job! We have so much space now. We have started getting things ready to update the house. We are going to try to convert our full loft into a third bedroom, so if you know any contractors, send them our way. We went and got samples for paint of the downstairs bathroom, kitchen, and living room.

I will also post some video of Zachary doing his "superman" dance. He has one arm up in the air and spins around. It's great.


SUZANNE said...

Looks like he is going to be quite the artist!!

Sharing Life said...

What!? No markers...what fun is coloring if there are no markers! He'll be great in helping you find new colors for the downstairs!