Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our trip to the zoo!

Sunday we went to the zoo for David's birthday.  It was SOOO nice to spend some great time as a family.  We don't often get that much time, so this was extra special.  We only did 3 hours at the zoo, but Zack was a trooper and did awesome!  I'll post another video.  In this one, though, listen very carefully to the beginning, he says his name!!  It's so cute!

Saying his name and watching dolphins from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.

OMGosh!!! A NEW POST!!!

So, I know that MIA doesn't even begin to cover the fact that I have not been blogging at all lately.  Well, what can I say??  How about-"I'm a studio owner now and I have no time!!!"  Yes! God has provided this amazing opportunity for my friend, Brittnie, and I.  There is still so much going on, but we are ready for classes!  We open Monday September 1 with a Grand registration day and then classes begin on September 2nd!!  Check out our website (still no pictures) at www.dancedynamicsIL.com!

Thank you all so much for your love, support, and mostly--prayers!!  God has been so amazing during all of this.  He has truly blessed me!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Times, they are a-changing...

I know it's been a while since I've posted and this one won't have pictures, but I needed to post.  Our family is going through some personal and professional changes.  If you haven't been informed, don't worry-all will reveal itself in due course.  That line is from the movie EverAfter.  A favorite of mine.  We have much going on, but will update (hopefully with great news) soon.  In the meantime, I am asking for all of your prayers.  David and I need the Lord to guide us.  We know his love for us is unyielding, but we are only human and therefore loose sight sometimes.  He is walking with us, we can feel him.  Thank you!