Friday, February 29, 2008

Shake, shake, shake your booty!

As you've seen in previous posts, Zachary loves to dance! He's quite good at it too. Well, he has started dancing in the most unusual spot-the changing table! Since he was about 9 months old Zack has just thrown a fit when he gets changed. The things David and I have tried to come up with as distraction methods is endless. I've hated this phase he was in. But now, I'm not too sure... Here's the thing. If he would scream, whatever, we could find something (a book, pacifier) to distract him, but with this new thing--not so much. When I go to wipe his bottom and I have his ankles held together and lifted in the air he starts "singing" and shaking his bottom back and forth. It's funny if you are reading this, but not funny when he's getting poop everywhere and when I try to wipe it goes here and there. Meanwhile, he's having a blast just shaking his bum all around. So, I'm not sure which one I'd rather take-the crying baby or the poop wiping butt shaker. It's all relative I guess!

Lately everytime we go into the upstairs bathroom all Zack wants to do is play with the toothbrushes. Just not his. He doesn't like his toothbrush and likes even less to get his teeth brushed. He will not hold his or play with it, but will stand there and "brush" his teeth with ours. He'll even grab the toothpaste and try to put it on the bristles. Oh well. Maybe we should just try getting him a big one and using his toothpaste on it. I'm sure he'll figure it out sooner or later!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Oh the wonderful things Zachary can do!

Things I can show you! from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.

Superman Dance

Zack's Superman Dance from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.

Here is Zack doing his Superman Dance. It's not like the "superman" from "Soulja Boy", but more like the real Superman!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

How is this even possible????

That's it! You're in time out!

Zachary has started putting "Monkey" and "Turtle" in time out! It's hilarious!

Can't wait for next year...

We finally got Zack to wear his ball cap long enough to take some pictures!!!

Coloring and using spoons!!

Happy Sunday! We've had an eventful few days. I got Zachary a new set of crayons, colored pencils, and coloring book. He loves them! Thank goodness they are washable! Zachary just can't get enough of them. He wants to carry them with him at all times. He is very good at scribbling. That's about it, but it's a start!

We also started letting Zack use a spoon to feed himself. Albeit, he's well versed at using a fork all by himself, we have just started with the spoon. I got him some yogurt and thought we would give it a try. He actually did very well with it! Of course there was yogurt all over, but that would've probably happened regardless!

David finished the garage and it looks amazing! David did such an awesome job! We have so much space now. We have started getting things ready to update the house. We are going to try to convert our full loft into a third bedroom, so if you know any contractors, send them our way. We went and got samples for paint of the downstairs bathroom, kitchen, and living room.

I will also post some video of Zachary doing his "superman" dance. He has one arm up in the air and spins around. It's great.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


The stocking hat from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.

David and Zachary enjoy a game of peek-a-boo. Click the link to enjoy the video!

The Dancing Hat

The dancing hat from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.

Here is video of Zack dancing--again--but this time in a hat!

The Many Hats of Zack

The past couple of days Zack has been very interested in David's hats. Sunday he was playing with his stocking hat and then on Monday when he woke up he found David's Mets hat and wore it all morning. Even during breakfast! Here are some of those pictures. I will put some video of him playing with it too.

Monday, February 18, 2008

The duck on the farm goes quack, quack, quack

Zachary is getting so smart! I'm sure every mother thinks this of their child of Zack's age. We have been learning animals and sounds lately. He knows if I say "duck," to make a beak with his hands and say "quack, quack, quack." This morning when we were in the bathroom I showed him his rubber duckie and asked him what it was. He grabbed it and responded with a "quack, quack, quack!" It was awesome. Usually David plays espionage games with the duck in the bath tub, so it's great to see him relating it to other things as well! He first did the hand and sound of the duck when we were reading his new "book of the week" at bedtime this past Friday. Going To Sleep On The Farm is a great book that goes through animals on the farm and how they go to sleep. It was a gift from a friend and one of my favorite books. When it says-And that's how a duck goes to sleep-quack, quack. That's how a duck goes to sleep. He started mimicking. It was great! I totally recommend it!

The last "new" thing Zachary is all about right now is sticking his magnet letters into the VCR. Really? We don't even use it. I'm not quite sure why we have it set up, really. He has never played with it before. Then, all of a sudden, on Sunday afternoon he started stuffing the letters in it. And, that is all he wants to do with the letters. And, he gets them in there!!
So, that is our update for Monday. New revelations, new books, and new quirks. Lots of things going on in Zachary's world!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

New Game

Head Butting from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.

Click to see David and Zachary's new "game."

Lord of the dance

More dancing from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.

Click for more of the master of the side-to-side dance!!

Zachary dancing!!

Zack Dancing from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.

Here is some Zack dancing. He usually busts out a few more moves, but this is pretty good. More dancing to come!

Playing the piano

Playing piano from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.

Enjoy the video of Zack playing with the piano!

Great weekend!

I haven't posted in a couple of days, but I've been getting good video and pictures ready to post! Thursday, Aubrey came over and I got some good pictures of the kids making silly faces! Aubrey started dance class with me on Saturday and it was so fun to see her in class. She did so good! Amber said she kept asking where Zachary was! On Saturday we got Zack's hair cut. It was in need for sure! It was getting long around the ears! Also on Saturday David and I went out for a much needed baby-free dinner date. We tried out Domo 77. It was OK. It took forever to get our drinks and orders taken. The sushi was OK. Their Volcano rolls were really good. The meat was very good, though, and very well cooked. A dancer from my studio sat for Zack, but he was asleep the entire time we were gone. Today we are just relaxing a little. It was David's turn to sleep in this morning and he is now busy at work in the garage. Now that football is over we are going to have to figure out something else to do on Sunday's. We figure we'll start upgrading the house! Anyway, enjoy a couple pictures of the kids and then I have like 4 videos!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Helping with dishes

Helping mom with dishes from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.

Click the link to watch my little helper!!

He's a...Heartbreaker...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Not that we really celebrate. Sure we exchange cards, but it's mainly a reason to get a sitter and go out to dinner. However, this year dinner will have to wait until this weekend. I will be spending tonight in classes with all of my students. Even though we don't celebrate, it's always nice to have a day to show our love for others. And not just l'amore. The love for Christ, a friend, a husband, a wife, a son, a daughter. You get it. Hope you all enjoy your day with your loved ones and to make sure you tell everyone you love them!

Daddy opening a card from Zachary

He's an Official Heartbreaker--for sure!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

New favs

So, just as expected, we have moved on from The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Zachary is now fascinated with being upstairs, like 24/7, and his froggy mobile on his crib. We will come downstairs to eat and play and it seems if I leave him for a second (like long enough to put the dishes in the dishwasher or such) he is upstairs playing. He loves being up there! He will go into his room, turn on his night light, space heater, and radio. Then he'll start pulling all of his books into the loft to "read." So, we've been spending time upstairs a lot. It's kind of funny to watch his little quirks emerge.

He has also developped this love for his mobile. He has never really paid too much attention to it. That's why we still have it up. Now, instead of getting a story before nap he will just point to his crib and then when I put him in, he'll lay and point to the mobile and blabber a few words and then laugh at it until he falls asleep. It's pretty funny. He doesn't try to grab or anything. He just likes watching the froggies dance around above him.

This week has been a crazy one and it's only Wednesday. Due to the weather yesterday (yep, more snow) Zack spent a few hours at the studio while I was teaching. He's there enough that he is comfortable being there. We have this weekend off from company rehearsals and I am so looking forward to spending good quality time with my two favorite boys in the whole world!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Talking in the tub

Talking in tub from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.

To pacifier or not?

I'm at a bit of a crossroads with Zachary's pacifiers. I'm really wondering if we should just "kick the habit" or if there is any real harm in him using them. He LOVES his pacifier. Loves it. If he sees it, he wants it. I know that he is almost 18 months, but not sure if it really is a big deal if he has it or not. This past Sunday evening/Monday morning I let him have it during the day just to see how he would deal with it. He loved having it. He would take it out to talk, snack, and play. On Monday morning he actually put it back in his crib before we came down for breakfast. After snack he went upstairs (by himself) and by the time I followed him up he had gotten his pacifier. I let him bring it downstairs and he kept it in his mouth for a while and then he discarded it and didn't find it again until after lunch. So, I'm really just wondering if I should let him have it if he needs/wants and let him decide when to leave it. I think for sure I won't take it when we go places like the store and stuff. But, if he wants it, what is the harm?? Comments on this would be great.

Blowing raspberries on mommy

Blowing raspberries on mommy from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.

This video is old and taken during the summer. Click on the title and enjoy!

Video of Playing in the snow

Playing in the snow from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's been a long winter...

Seriously, can it get any colder?? This whole -5 as a high is just old!
We have cabin fever. No, he's not a newborn and it wouldn't kill us to take him outside, but who actually wants to go outside? I didn't actually hear whether Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow or not, but it's apparent winter is here for another 6 weeks...

Last night I had my dance company's sleepover at the studio in Aurora. We all hung out and decorated the costumes. Stayed up watching movies and doing hair and make up. Not so much as a fun girls' hang out, but because they need to know how to do these things for competitions coming up in March. When we woke this morning it was seriously -5 outside. I think it climbed to 0 today. Watch out! Heat Wave!! So, we stayed inside all day, watched the final game of football until this fall :( , and had a fire going all day long! Looks like we will have wind chills down to -20/-30 range and then 3-6 inches of snow through tomorrow. Have I mentioned how glad we are that we ever moved back from LA????

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Zachary has started saying "HI!" And that is what he says-over and over and over and over... It's cute though. Zack got to go over to Aunt Amber's today for naptime while I got my hair done. Even though Aubrey w asn't feeling the best, he still loves being around her. He threw a bit of a tantrum before we left since I wouldn't give him my sunglasses to play with. But, once we got home from the store he was in a great mood again. Bath time was a lot of fun tonight. There was a little too much splashing, but overall really fun. He doesn't say no yet, but he will shake his head. When asked several times if he wanted to get out of the bath, he shook his head "no." After bath was bed. For the past several days the only book that Zachary wants to read is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. He loves sticking his fingers in the holes of the food the caterpillar eats. It will be on the book shelf-stuffed in there-and he'll find it and pull it out! So, we will read the caterpillar book until he gets over it and then it will be on to the next.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

What's in a number??

What's in a number? 12 month, 18 month, 2 T... They can all fit one day and not the next. It's so crazy to me to see just how fast Zachary is growing and going through a ton of clothes. We just bought Zachary some shirts for Christmas and they were 18 months. Well, yesterday we put this sweater on and all of a sudden it doesn't fit. I put on a new sweatshirt from Grandma and Pop Pop that is 2T. Fits. Well, a little big in the width, since he's so skinny, but totally fits in the length. I thought for sure he wouldn't be in it until late spring, maybe early fall. I'm so excited that he is growing so much, but it's an everyday reminder of how far away my baby is and how close my toddler is.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Little Friends...Loving Christ.

The snow came again today. My classes were canclled again today. But, that gave Zack and I time to go visit with some neighbor friends. Cortnie and her daughter, Callahan, have become great friends. Cortnie actually used to watch Zachary for us. I don't have an updated picture of the two of them, but here is one from Halloween. Callahan makes one cute mouse, huh?! Playtime was fun today with a rousing rendition of "Wheels on the Bus" followed by one crazy game of "Shake your head like mad and laugh." It's really pretty easy, you shake your head like mad and laugh! The kids are quite good at it.
As the Lenten season starts today I am reminded of all the sacrifices our Lord made in order for us to live. Everyday I have family and friends I love near me. We have jobs to support us, a house to shelter us, and food to feed us. This is such an amazing time of year and we are so blessed to be able to have so much and am so thankful to God for everything we have. It's also a time of new beginnings. Jesus' rising is symbollic in so many ways. Easter equals Spring and spring equals rebirth and sun!! I know after all the snow this week we are ready for new leaves on the trees, new flowers in the ground, and mostly--warm weather!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Play date with the cousins

Last Friday we had an afternoon visit from Aubrey and Benjamin. It was great getting to spend time with the three of them together. Zachary had a new curiosity about Benjamin. He wanted to be right next to me while I was feeding him and was very helpful in putting his pacifier back into his mouth! Aubrey and Zack, of course, had the house a mess! She is so funny. I was getting Benjamin's bottle ready when she called out to me-"Milli," (we are so past "aunt")"come see the big smile Benjamin is making at me!" It was so cute! She is also starting to call Zachary her "friend." I'm so glad that I have them close to be able to be around Zachary. Plus, we are happy to have another boy in the family. It's just a matter of time until both the boys are wearing crowns and playing princess dress up with Aubrey, though! She already brings an extra crown for Zack to wear now!! I'm sure she'll be all for playing tackle football in the yard one day.

Zack loves his snow pants!

Thursday January 31, 2008 dumped a ton of snow on us. My classes were cancelled in the evening so we decided to bundle Zack up and play in the snow! We got him all dressed up (snapping pics along the way) to find out that we have lost his gloves. Great! Well, we decided that a pair of David's thermal socks would be sufficient. Not so much, but it worked OK. He loved the wind in his face and had only taken two steps before he went face down in the snow! HA. We stayed out for about 10 minutes, but that was about all he could handle. I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Fantasy Football

Happy post-Super Bowl! Even though we are so glad the Giants won, we were still bummed that we didn't get a repeat performance out of our Colts. Not really fans of the Giants and mortal enemies with the Patriots, we were very pleased with the out come of Sunday's game. We got to spend the day together as a family and then headed over to our friends-the Giannasi's to eat sushi (so football, huh?) and watch the big game. It was fun seeing Noah getting bigger and stronger. We of course got caught in a snow storm while there and had to drive home in about 4 inches of snow! Oh well! It's been that kind of winter! We took Zack out for the first time last week in the snow and I'll be posting pictures of that soon!!