Friday, December 5, 2008

Zachary's big boy bed!

It's here!!  He loves it and went right down!!  Enjoy the pictures!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving and Benjamin's Birthday

Happy Thanksgiving!  We spent the morning of Thanksgiving at home and then after Zack's nap we went to Amber and Rudy's for dinner.  It was good turkey, good stuffing, and good family!  Later that evening we came home and put up the tree.  Zack wasn't interested in helping, but he is all about the tree.  It has to be on all the time and he says good bye to it at night before bed!
We are well into the Christmas season!  This is my favorite time of year.  For so many reasons.  Aside from all the decorations, 93.9 playing non-stop X-Mas music, people in good moods, cookies,'s a time to remember why we celebrate.  This is all the beginning.  The time we celebrate and rejoice at the birth of our Savior.  We are truly delivered because he was delivered to us.  

We are busy with the studio and David has a big shoot that will take him to San Francisco next week.  We are also getting Zachary's big boy bed on Friday!!  We are so excited and can't wait for him to get it!

Untitled from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.
Thanksgiving and Benjamin's 1st B-Day Party

Monday, November 24, 2008

Now that it's Thanksgiving...

Now that we are to Thanksgiving I thought it was about time I put pictures of Halloween up!  Sorry, I've been slacking!  November has been a crazy busy month.  Halloween was a ton of fun.  It was SO nice out that we stayed out until like 8-8:30 at night!  Zack had a great time trick or treating and we finally got him to say "Trick or Treat" to people as he grabbed the bowl into his pumpkin!

And, since it's Thanksgiving our family has so many things to look back on and be thankful for!  Here is my list:
1) My family-David and Zachary are truly the best things in my life
2) My faith-God has truly delivered to me this year.  He has protected, cared for, and loved our family without fail
3) My friends-they have stood by me and cheered me on.
4) My partner/studio-Dance Dynamics has been a journey and I can't wait to see where Brittnie and I are able to take it!
5) 2009-the thought of being able to start a new year with so many wonderful things behind me is so amazing.

So, as you enjoy the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cresent rolls, pumpkin pie, get it, on Thanksgiving Day, truly take the time to express why you have so many things to be thankful for.  You may be surprised how many you have!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Zachary got tickets to Playhouse Disney Live! On Tour for his birthday and this past Sunday was finally show time!  The show was up in Rosemont and Zachary fell asleep on the way, which was fine.  When we got there we were some of the first few to enter the theatre.  We right away bought Zack his new Winnie the Pooh and then got some drinks and popcorn and headed upstairs to wait to get in.  Zachary we good in the theatre and loved the popcorn!  Even more, he loved the show!  It was great watching his reactions.  Every time a new character came on stage he would just stare at them and then he would start to interact.  Even though he is going through a big Pooh phase, he was most in awe of Mickey Mouse!  David and I wondered if he noticed that Daisy and Pluto got the shaft and were not invited on tour.  Hmmm.  After the show he stayed awake until right when we pulled up to the house.  Even though it was later, we put him in his crib and he slept about another hour or so.  Enjoy the pictures and video (not good quality) of our great time at Playhouse Disney!  We can't wait to visit Disney World for real!
                                                            Mommy and Zachary
                                                            Daddy, Zachary, and Pooh
                                                            Zack and Pooh
                                                            Zachary, Mickey and Little Einsteins

Here is Zachary before the show.

Pre-Show Playhouse Disney Live!! from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.

Zachary dancing to Choo-Choo Soul!!  He's getting down.

Dancing at Playhouse Disney Live! from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

So much to say...

Hey there blogger friends!  So, there is much going on, but I'm too tired to type everything.  Zack is growing and getting so smart everyday.  I understand his speech better and better everyday.  His sentences are really coming more intricate.  David is doing well.  He's been having a lot of weekend/overtime shoots.  We are thankful for the work, but it takes away from some of the only couple/family time we have.  I'm busy-busy too.  The studio is coming along and will be finished this month!  Woo Hoo.  So excited for it.  

I know I put pictures of Zack in the previous blog, but here is a slideshow that holds more pictures.  Enjoy!

Zack's 2 year pictures

Friday, October 3, 2008

2 year pictures

Last weekend we took Zachary out to Knoch Knolls park in Naperville to get some pictures of him.  He didn't cooperate a ton, but we got some good shots.  Some of his best smiles were when I was hold him and giving kisses.  Unfortunately, my head is in the way!  We'll have to try to crop them out.  Enjoy!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


My friend Sam has "tagged" me to do this.  It's been a while since I've blogged and I don't have anyone to send it too,so if you want to copy and paste-go for it!

Here are the rules: 
1. Link to the person who tagged you.  Sam Keen
2. Post the rules on your blog. 
3. Write six random things about yourself. 
4. Tag four - six people at the end of your post.  
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is on-line.

6 Random Things about Milli-

1) I love, love, LOVE Shrimp Tempura rolls.  And most cooked sushi.  I sometimes day dream about them.  I seriously wish I could eat them everyday.

2) I sometimes wish my cats were dogs.  Or one dog.  When I throw something to them to play fetch with, they just blink and look away.  When Zack says doggie, it's much cuter than kittie.  Albeit, he does love them too.

3) I sometimes over due my fan-hood for the Colts.  Hat, shirt, jacket...  I can't help it.  I love my team.  I love football.  I am secretly jealous of the family that gets all their pictures taken in Urlacher jersey's.  Although, I will never buy a windbreaker jacket.  

4) I wish I could have Zachary sleep with us every night and not have it "mess" him up as a grown up.  I settle for picking him up in his sleep and rocking him.

5) My son is the funniest person I know.  And my husband has the best laugh.

6) I really love fall.  I used to be a summer nut, but I find myself looking forward to long sleeves and boots more and more each year.  I still hate winter. 


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Why it sucks to be a Colts fan

This blog is in no way meant to seem as if I'm turning from my team.  I'm not.  Some people may think it weird that I care so much about a team.  I mean, it's not like I'm related to anyone playing.  But, we come from a football family.  Grew up with football and have grown to love the sport for everything it's about.  Hailing from IN I grew up a huge fan of ND.  We followed ND graduates, like Joe Montana.  I would follow the NFL, but never tagged any as my own.  Not until David came along.  I guess you could say from there it was history.  We were a Colts family.  We have stayed true to our team from CA to IL.  It's hard being a Colts fan in Bears country.  We never get the games, we have to listen to bad fans trash talk, yada, yada, yada.  However, winning the Super Bowl two years ago did help and felt good!  

So, let me get to my point.  It's tough coming from a team that looses maybe 4 times a year.  And we haven't lost an opening game since like 2004.  Needless to say, I'm not used to loosing.  And I don't like it.  I could give a list of reasons for the way we look...key injuries-like Jeff Saturday and Dallas Clark.  But, we played and won, without Marvin Harrison last year.  Our defense is giving up the run.  But, we played and won the Super Bowl, with a not so stellar defense.  But the biggest reason of all, I think, is that Peyton is rusty.  He hasn't played since January.  He had surgery and just looks like he hasn't gotten his sea legs back.  All excuses.  Maybe, just maybe, I'm thinking that this is just a way for us to get used to loosing.  And, wouldn't I rather loose now than in the post season?  Yes, I would.  We just need to get to the post season.  Believe me, I know it's worse for other teams.  I mean it's not like I'm a Bears fan.  Or a Raiders fan.  Or a Dolphins fan.  You know, where this happens every season.  

And, not that I wish ill will towards anyone...but, if there was a season for this to happen, at least it's the season where Tom Brady isn't playing.  That would just be horrific.

Nevertheless, I love my team!!!  GO COLTS!!!

P.S. It's not even half time of the second game of the season.  I just hope this isn't a long season.  And if it is, oh well, we'll come back next year!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Last Fling

During Labor Day weekend Naperville holds a carnival called last fling.  We went this year and Zachary had such a great time on the carousal and two different slide rides.  Here's a slide show!

My baby is 2!!

Zachary turned 2 on the 29th of August!  Can you believe it?  He's awesome.  We had a great weekend with family in town and a nice quiet birthday party for him.  He has sat down and gone potty two times!  Woo Hoo.  I'm so ready to be done with diapers.  He's talking more and more everyday.  He's still very dramatic when things don't go his way, but he is such a good boy.  Daddy and I love him so much!

Dance Dynamics Inc

Dance Dynamics has officially started classes!  It has been a crazy week in a temporary location, but it's happening!  Brittnie and I are putting a deposit down at a new location today so we can start the build out!  It should take around 50 days for them, then we need to get our permit and put in floors and mirrors.  We hope to be in at the beginning of November!  Some dancers coming from Oswego and Montgomery haven't been able to join us because the temporary location is just too far, but we are hoping that as soon as we reopen they will be with us.  

We are holding auditions for our company this Saturday and are really excited about the number of people coming.  We will have our first 6 year old!  She'll probably have just a solo, but it's a start.  We had 7 girls last year, lost 2, but have 8-9 new people wanting to join!!!  I can't wait to see how everything plays out.  We could double our size in one year!  

Sorry I haven't been blogging as much.  Running a business full time takes a lot!  And, we don't have internet at the temporary location yet, so I can't do updates while I'm not teaching. 

Through all of this, I have to say how awesome God is!  I know he has been guiding my family and Brittnie and I through all of this.  It's amazing.  I know he has chosen this path for me and I am very eager to get it going!  I have to also say how amazing the support from family, friends, and clients have been.  I would've probably folded it up if not for them.  Especially David and Zack at home and Amber in the office!  She is amazing and will be the person to keep Dance Dynamics running the best way it can!!

Keep checking here and the website for more details! (

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our trip to the zoo!

Sunday we went to the zoo for David's birthday.  It was SOOO nice to spend some great time as a family.  We don't often get that much time, so this was extra special.  We only did 3 hours at the zoo, but Zack was a trooper and did awesome!  I'll post another video.  In this one, though, listen very carefully to the beginning, he says his name!!  It's so cute!

Saying his name and watching dolphins from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.

OMGosh!!! A NEW POST!!!

So, I know that MIA doesn't even begin to cover the fact that I have not been blogging at all lately.  Well, what can I say??  How about-"I'm a studio owner now and I have no time!!!"  Yes! God has provided this amazing opportunity for my friend, Brittnie, and I.  There is still so much going on, but we are ready for classes!  We open Monday September 1 with a Grand registration day and then classes begin on September 2nd!!  Check out our website (still no pictures) at!

Thank you all so much for your love, support, and mostly--prayers!!  God has been so amazing during all of this.  He has truly blessed me!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Times, they are a-changing...

I know it's been a while since I've posted and this one won't have pictures, but I needed to post.  Our family is going through some personal and professional changes.  If you haven't been informed, don't worry-all will reveal itself in due course.  That line is from the movie EverAfter.  A favorite of mine.  We have much going on, but will update (hopefully with great news) soon.  In the meantime, I am asking for all of your prayers.  David and I need the Lord to guide us.  We know his love for us is unyielding, but we are only human and therefore loose sight sometimes.  He is walking with us, we can feel him.  Thank you!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Zack, the Painter

Videos of Zachary and Aalyah

Here are a couple videos of Zachary and Aalyah at the park and then feeding the ducks at the Riverwalk.

Zachary and Aalyah go down the slide! from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.

Zachary and Aalyah feed the ducks! from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.


Translates into: Aalyah.  He used to say "Lee-Yah" quite well, but when she came to visit last weekend it was "Ahh-Yee" instead.  Oh well.  We had a great time with her.  She's getting so big and mature.  I can't believe she'll be 10 already in September!  I'm so old.  

We didn't get Aalyah as long as we normally do, but it was a great time nonetheless.  She was the first one to sleep in the new room and she loved it.  She came to classes with me a couple times and enjoyed watching my dancers.  One day when we got home from the studio Zachary was completely unconcerned with my return and just wanted the attention of his cousin!  He loved having her here and we did too!  It is one of my favorite parts of summer.  I hope she enjoys coming to us and wants to continue it until we are old and gray!  Enjoy some pictures!

On Sunday Zachary and I took Aalyah home and spent the day.  We haven't been home in a while so it was worth the gas-that I happened to get for $3.83!! Really!  I almost took a picture.  Zack had fun in the garden with Pop-Pop and later fell asleep on a walk with Grandma and I.  I'll post pictures of Grandma holding him sleeping (her favorite) and them him napping-upside down-in the toddler bed!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

All the fishies...

All the fishies... from Amelia Hendryx on Vimeo.
Check out Zack doing the "fishies" and then singing Row, Row, Row Your Boat!

Howdy, partners

He's got his cowboy hat and his overalls.  Pop Pop would be so happy and proud.  He's ready for the farm!

Is it finally finished???....

Basically!!!  Thank goodness!  It was a lllooonnnggg weekend, but it was worth it!  Of course, David and I could never do this on our own, so we had the help of PaPa and Nanny this weekend!  Thank God for Don.  He helped us do everything.  Floors, trim, quarter round.  Everything.  Sally kept track of Zachary and this is what the room looks like now.  So excited and pleased with it!  We just need to get a closet organizer in there and the furniture.  

It was done just in time.  Aalyah is coming up for a visit at the end of this week, so she'll be the first guest to stay in the room!  I'll post more pictures once we get the furniture in there.

Now we are painting the rest of the house.  Indulgent Mocha (sounds wonderful doesn't it?).  We are getting new carpet and new furniture, hopefully within the month, so everything will be complete by the big 2 year birthday party.

Thank you again, PaPa and Nanny for all of your help!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Throwing tantrums

  (it's hard to believe I can be so ornery)
It's been a while since I've posted, sorry.  We are still in the process of finishing (read: never will end) house and my summer classes started last week, and I had a shower, and blah, blah, blah.  Something the Hendryx household has been dealing with lately, though, are tantrums in public.  You give me a reason and he'll throw a tantrum for it.  So, as you can imagine with our endless home improvements this requires many a trip to Lowes/Home Depot.  As you can also imagine, this also means endless tantrums in the ______ (insert noun here).  So, I've taken to internet connection realm for help.  I've received a ton of positive feedback and some great advise.  It was put to the test this week when Zack and I had to run to the mall AND Sams Club all in one trip.  He was an angel at the mall.  Mainly because it was the first place, he could walk, and it took less than 5 minutes.  However, I made sure to let Zachary know how proud I was of him and to make a big deal out of the sales associates comments on how cute and well behaved my child was.  On to Sams.  I was more worried about this place because I needed to have a cart and as of late, Zachary hates being put in the cart.  So, I decided to let him push the cart on his own.  He loved it!  We got in and out of Sams with no problem.  I told him before we left the house what the plans were and that if he was good he would get something "special."  I made sure not to say snack or toy or anything because I was not sure.  Well, the diapers that I needed has a Disney Sing Along with Mickey and Friends.  Perfect!  I opened it up when we got to the truck and he was able to hold the CD cover and listen happily as Mickey, Minnie, and Goofy sang Row, Row, Row your Boat.  We may be on to something here!!  

Next, church...

Fun in the sun, followed by nasty weather!

It's summer.  It's the Midwest.  These are all reasons that you can go from a perfect morning at the pool, to nasty-nasty storm later in the day.  Luckily, I left my camera in Amber's stroller so she was able to capture the storm rolling in.  

Earlier in the day, though.  We took the kids to Pelican Harbor.  It has become a weekly haunt for Zachary and I.  He was excited to share it with Aubrey and Benjamin last week.  Below is a picture of Aubrey posing and Zachary doing who-knows-what.  Then you will see the storm!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Pelican Harbor!!

Yesterday I took Zachary to the Pelican Harbor water park for the first time this season.  We went last year, but he hated it.  So, I figured with the success we have had with swimming I would try.  He LOVED it!!  I love it too!  The park charges you $5 for entry (total) and we get a "Parent-Tot" swim from 8-11am!  We are restricted to the tot pool (less than 4 ft deep) and the Sprayville area, but it's not like we need much more.  As long as the weather is nice, I'm going to plan on going once a week!  Notice how he only wears his sunglasses on top of his head.  He rarely puts them on his face!!

Aunt Cathy and Woof Woof!!

We had a busy weekend.  We took a trip to Indy for a friend's birthday party.  We stayed with Cathy while we were down there.  Nana and Papa made it up as well.  On Friday we had dinner together and then Saturday we had a party and a cookout!  Cathy has a golden retriever named Rowdy.  Zack loved him!  Renamed him Woof-Woof!  He had a great time having Rowdy just follow him around!  We had a good time watching the two of them.  It was a busy weekend for Zachary and on the way back to Naperville he just passed out!