Sunday, March 16, 2008

New Computer!!

It's been so long since I've posted anything!  Sorry.  Our computer died and we just got a new one.  Got a Mac and it's awesome.  So, when I figure out how to the pics on here and everything I will get new things on here.

Nana and Aunt Cathy were up this weekend.  It was great!  Aunt Cathy taught Zack how to stick out his tongue!  But, luckily he forgot and didn't remember by Sunday morning.  It was pretty funny, though!  We did some shopping and Nana bought Zachary his Easter outfit.  It's so cute!  He looks like such a grown little boy in it!  I will put pictures up after this weekend.

We are going home to my family's house for Easter and we are so excited!  We haven't been home since October and that is much too long!  Well, I will get more on once I have more time to sit on the computer and figure it out!

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