Today was Zachary's first swim lesson at the Y! I know, I know, we have waited entirely too long to do it. Well, I just happened to check the booklet last week and realized that was the first week of the new session! We missed one week, but that's not too bad. Last summer we took Zack to the pool to play. He hated it. Not kidding. He didn't want to be in the water at all. He sat on the concrete next to the pool and played. He didn't even want to splash! So, I was a little nervous that he might not like it. Especially since the pool water would be cold. We got changed in the locker room without incident and met another boy in the class named Matthew. He and Zachary were about the same height but Matthew is 3! When I first set Zachary on the deck he was hesitant for a second. I showed him how to splash and he was all about it. When we actually went into the pool he walked down the steps himself. The class is a half an hour. He did so good for the first 20 minutes then he started getting cold. But doing more activities kept his attention. I might have to get a swim shirt or something for him. Or, if it would ever get warm outside...that might help. So, now we are home, have a good lunch in us and he's sleeping and I'm about ready to too!
Zack has also learned the word, "NO." But, it's not as bad as I thought (so far). He just says it like a word. It has no meaning yet. "Zachary, what did you do today?" "No." "Zachary, do you want a muffin." "No." Well, you know that's wrong because he clearly wants a muffin! It's kind of funny to hear him say it. At least he's not screaming "NO!" in the middle of a store.