Wednesday, March 18, 2009

So Smart!

As I mentioned in my previous post, Zachary has been doing so good with his counting and colors, etc.  Well, we bought him a "laptop" for his 2nd birthday.  It's a Thomas the Train and it has something like 32 activities.  There is one that asks for help finding letters and numbers.  I started playing with him one day and was shocked to learn that he can recognize almost all of his letters and all of his numbers!!  He's just grasping so much and learning like crazy!

This weekend I actually have a weekend away from the studio!  Woo Hoo!  We begin our "Diaper-Free Zone" on Friday morning!  I know Zachary is going to do a great job.  I bought him new Cars stickers and am ready to see his little butt in underwear!!!

This past weekend was so nice, weather-wise.  We were able to spend a lot of time outside!  We got Zack's truck out and he loved driving in it.  Which is nice since he always tells David and I that he'll drive wherever we go!  "I'll drive."

Trying to post pictures, who knows when they'll come...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Back on...

I know it's been several, several weeks since I've posted.  Beginning the semester at the studio, dealing with a pregnancy and then subsequent loss has consumed a lot of my time.  Oh, not to mention that I've been following around an extremely busy 2 1/2 year old!

We registered Zachary for Pre-School for the fall!  I can't believe that he is going to be 3 and in school.  He is going to have so much fun, though!  I have him in a 2-day/week-afternoon program.  He is so smart.  He can count (repeat) to 20 on his own!  He knows all the main colors-red, blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, purple, black, and white.  He is talking in full sentences which can be fully understood.  Until he gets super excited and then it turns back to baby-nese.

We are looking forward to spring and being able to get outside to play more.  Hurry up Spring!!